Sensing means brand as part of a brand for people with disabilities

  • Bekk N.V.

    Novosibirsk Technological Institute (Branch of Моscow State University of Design and Technology)
    Russia. Novosibirsk

  • Cherenkova S.S.

    Novosibirsk Technological Institute (Branch of Моscow State University of Design and Technology)
    Russia. Novosibirsk

  • Davydova M.S.

    State Cultural Institution of Novosibirsk region Novosibirsk Regional Special Library for the Blind
    Russia. Novosibirsk


Trademark as part of the brand should be clear and accessible to all consumer groups, including blind and visually impaired customers. Ability to read with his fingertips the product name, logo provides full and equal enjoyment of all persons with disabilities of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Keywords: barrier-free environment, and people with disabilities; trademark; Braille, large print, relief-graphic image.